[Towels baby]
[Teddy bear embroidered way patchwork]
[Cross stitch Alphabet]
[Plates of door]
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The passion of the embroidery took to me years ago (years before putting the hands in salt dough). I started by carrying out patterns starting from marketed models.
The first was out of wool, with embroidery launched point with a drawn cloth.
The time of realization often exceeding a year, better is worth being sure to like the model a long time! |
The second work was a cross stitch kit on aida cloth : my passion of the small crosses had been born. |
During my two pregnancies, I wanted to create full with things for my baby and, being immobilized,
much time to do it. I thus embroidered cloths and a teddy bear for my first boy and of the towels,
a cushion and an alphabet for my second. Their common points ? Teddy bears and the tone acidulous !
If you have little time, embroider towels : the result is quickly there and you will make use of
it at least a year! One much less longer serves the cradle sheets, so cute they are
Handcraft towels for baby
Cut out the shape of a bib (approximately 16 cm diameter) in aida cloth by keeping space to sew skew. Then, for back, the same form in a soft and a
little thick fabric (like an old white sweat shirt!).
Embroider the model of your choice... or the first name of the child if you know it already
(and that you are not superstitious as in Provence where that is not done!).
Use a wooden embroidery hoop, it is so much easier to embroider a tended cloth. |
Assemble the fabric with the back. |
Bend then the skew of color matched while letting exceed 2 bonds to tie.
I preferred to sew at the end of each bond of the scratch, it is so much easier to attach
around the necks of famished babies thus in a hurry!
Here, I used a sold towel lends to embroider: the disadvantage it is the size of the fabric which does not allow very fine drawings. The fabric forms a pocket
to be able to pass the needle, it is inevitably less comfortable to embroider. |
I also embroidered the same towel with wool: that much less better makes a point after X washings...
of thus avoiding!
Another way for making a handcraft towel: to cut out and sew a bib in fabric terry towel surrounded,
there too, skew then to sew a rectangle of Aîda fabric which you embroidered beforehand.
To frame the rectangle then by embroidering a reason (from the "vvvv" for example)
for color matched by preoccupation with a perfection!
Creation of a teddy bear embroidered way patchwork
It acts here more than one decoration that of a doudou. The experiment (there still) showed me that
if the children like the look of this teddy bear and to detail with us the
embroidered drawings ("Cherry!"), this teddy bear was never adopted as a doudou: not soft enough! |
Cut out the form of the bear in Aida cloth by keeping space for the hem.
Sizes : Height=29 cm(from the ear to the leg) Width=19 cm (between the forefeet)
The head : Height=9 cm (2cm for the ears) Witdh=10 cm (between ears), 9 cm between the cheeks..
Cut out the same form for the back in another fabric (very soft).
Embroider the head and the end of the legs according to the photograph (5 different browns).
The neck, the wrists and the ankles are embroidered in yellow blade with a reason way hook.
For the remainder, choose a whole of colors then embroider variable rectangles of sizes to the
liking of your desires. Some drawings illustrating of the fruits, the animals or the toys so that the
child has a little reading then geometrical reasons (cross, waves, hearts, lines, dotted lines...)
which are quite pleasant to embroider.
Wash the work.
Assemble the back of the nounours by leaving space to stuff of foam. Turn over the unit and to stuff:
use of the foam of quality which will resistera well with many washings. Stop to sew at the place.
And finally, offer it!
Creation of a birth alphabet
To get larger the photo, click here
Click here or there on the table to obtain larger pictures |
Cut out a piece of Aîda fabric while envisaging
broader than the framework than you will have bought beforehand (that costs less than the overmeasure).
At least mentally determine spaces for the letters and the drawings then... you launch... |
In open spaces, add baby's dummy, a feeding-bottle, balloons...
Embroider to then it tower of the fabric in tone matched. |
Frame your masterpiece after soft washing and sharpening.
Plates for personalized doors : counted cross stitch
To make to offer, small executives to be hung on or beside the doors rooms...
For a baby... |
When the baby grew... ... |
Highly Christmas to embroider small frameworks and
greetings cards to the reasons for the festivals!
You will find in another pages of my web site another free cross stitth pattern I created like those one :
Models mainly resulting from an American work "The big book Just for baby " Good-natured-girls edition
Cross stitch Point
If you find mistakes in the translation, please email me ! It's so hard to find the good words !