Kid craft idea... also mother craft as it concerns home decoration !
“Strings and cords craft”

You undoubtedly noticed that one sees more and more objects surrounded by strings, cords more or less thick, nature or coloured...
So we try to make your own home decoration with strings, and here is all our experiments.
Who we are ?
- Alexia, young teenager 11 year old, "who doesn't like too much handcraft making",
- Loïc, 6 year old kid, who is found of kid craft ("but even if it's not too hard !")
- I, appreciating new handcraft activities, especially for home decoration...
The principle : to roll up a a little rustic cord around an object : bottles of glasses, pot out of glass...
The objectives : to create an object of decoration by oneself, and take pleasure doing this kid craft, if possible!
The material : bottles or pots out of glass, two-sided Scotch tape, string or fine cord. Possibly : some wooden beads and fishning wire.
How to do this craft :
First stage :
On a clean support, stick on all the surface of the two-sided Scotch tape. The operation is easier on a cylindrical component (traditional wine bottle) that on a convex bottle (fruit juice)... Alexia thus chose its model well to be covered! Loïc preferred the pot (smaller), I thus inherited the convex bottle.
Easy way: rather than to unroll the Scotch tape around the object, better is worth to cut out a small piece, to stick it then to remove the film of protection.
Since how it is necessary to put Scotch tape to the short-nap cloth of the bottom of the object, it can be quite practical to work with the bottle with back while placing in its neck a stem out of wooden, or a feeding-bottle, or any other object which will enable you to hold your bottle without it being stuck everywhere... because the two-sided Scotch tape, that sticks!!
Second stage :
rolling up. It is necessary to start by sticking the end of the cord so that with the following turns, this end is covered. Place above a small piece of two-sided Scotch tape so that the end holds well. Then... roll up... while strongly supporting for the cord adheres well and while making quite tight rows, because the result will be prettier.
Third stage :
the preparing.
I had since the beginning of this adventure the idea to decorate the string with wooden beads.
First solution: to thread large wood pearls. Easy and that not made a shift on the level of the pearl, the cord does not adhere to the bottle. However, if one puts little of it, that returns well.
Another solution, to thread wood pearls on wire of fishing and by leaving them at good distance from/to each other, to roll up the wire on part of the bottle. Alexia made thus thus and added its pearls, white, after having finished the rolling up of the cord. The difficulty was thus to make already hold the ends of the wire of fishing while passing them (with a small piece of Scotch tape) under the cord in place. The disadvantage is that one sees thus a little the transparent wire.
I thus tested another method : I stuck my wire of fishing and his beads front, while placing them at the 2/3 the height and the neck. The extemities of the wire are sticked.
I rolled up the cord then, over, while emphasizing the beads above the cord so as to always tighten to the maximum each line of cord on the preceding one.
And there, that requires force if one applies well.
But what some cramps beside the pleasure of having a new made by yourself ?
Loïc found that it took quite a long time to stick the large string... Then, we had the idea to roll up the cord only in top and bottom of its pot. As there was two-sided Scotch tape on all the surface of the pot, it was necessary to stick another thing on the central part. Loïc thus painted a blank paper band with its BloPens felts (felts for kid in which one blows) and stuck we it on the pot. I helped it to stick and smooth paper, because the Scotch tape sticks in an irremediable way paper.
Is the result rather successful, not?

Easy way! the extemity of the string tends to fall apart. A point of adhesive glue removes this problem definitively.
Reflexions of the kids... well, of the young designers...
Loïc (6 years old kid) : “ What is difficult, it is to put the string but it is funny parce I put a drawing above with Blopens. It is beautiful. It was very hard with the Scotch tape because that stuck so much... ?”
Alexia (11 years old kid) : “ Hardest, it is to stick the quite tight string. Funniest is to put the beads. The Scotch tape, that is not hardest finally. Finally, I really like this kid craft idea !”
In conclusion, for young kids, envisage small bottles of glass or small pots because this kid craft is rather long.
How many ? We used for these 3 crafts nearly 35 meters of string !! |
Another kid craft idea , with Alexia and Loïc, in August craft idea
Original graphics Copyright graphics !